Webees Tech

Terms of Services

Last Update on 25/10/2023

Please read all the Terms of Service carefully before using our website. By using webeestech.com, you agree to these terms of service. If you disagree with these please don’t use our website.

• Use Of The Website

You should be more than 13 years old to use our website. You are responsible for holding up the privacy of your account and password.

• Intellectual Property

All content on the website, including text, graphics, logos, and images is the property and resources of Webees Tech and is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws.

• Privacy Policy

By using Webees Tech, you agree to the use and sharing of your data and information as defined in the privacy policy page.

• Termination

We secure the right to suspend your access to the website at our exclusive control, without notice, for any reason, including a breach of these terms.

• Warranties

Webees Tech is given “with no warranties” and “as accessible,” with practically no warranties, either express or imagined, including yet not limited or restricted to the suggested warranties of merchantability and readiness for a specific reason.

• Contact Us

If you have any questions or queries about these terms of service, please contact us at contact@webeestech.com.